
Clothing banks and thrift stores provide an assortment of free or low-cost clothing items, depending on donations. These clothing services usually offer clothing, shoes, accessories and household items. In addition, clothing banks and thrift stores may be able to order items for children from other outlets, making them a resource for infant and children’s clothes.

The Salvation Army is an integral part of the Christian Church, although distinctive in governmen...
Our Mission Providing a safe haven for impoverished, homeless and addicted people of all races ...
Gift of the Givers is the largest disaster response NGO of African origin on the African continen...
Mission To protect, investigate and provide care to children in need, including neglect, abuse, ...
Vision & Mission We desire to see individuals and communities within South Africa liv...
To enhance the lives of those underprivileged and destitute through the assistance of all the sup...
We believe that becoming a self-employed business owner is something everyone can do, irrespectiv...
JAM Clothing is a national fashion retailer offering the latest range of clothing and fashion bra...
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